Saturday, June 5, 2010

Training, day four

Today was another good day, though we didn't do any routs today, so Jim basically had the day off. This morning, we worked on reworking errors, and how to correct the dogs when they make mistakes like bumping us into objects, or not stopping to show us curbs when we are crossing streets. Our instructors worked with us, and we put our dogs on tie-down. The process of reworking erros is pretty easy, though it took me some getting used to, because it is different than other schools. Basically, when Jim makes a mistake, I have him heel, after that I have him sit, tap the object or show him the curb with my foot and tell him, "careful" When I've done that I take a few steps back and rework the error. It was funny, because right after the workshop, he ran a curb when he was taking me out to the relieving circle, so I had an opportunity to practice with my instructors watching. They said I did a good job of handling, and that he did a great job in responding and correcting the mistake once I reworked it.
In the afternoon, we had a really neat lecture about massaging our dogs. We learned how to stroke them in certain positions and how to touch them in order to relax them. It certainly worked with my boy, I ended up with 65 pounds of mellow yellow labrador on my lap on his back! It was so cute!
They opened the pool today, so I was able to go swimming twice which was great! After that, I came inside, took a hot shower, talked to some people in Cupertino, and am now under the covers about to go to bed.
On that note, if you're on the east coast and reading this, sorry I'm difficult to talk to, the time difference is hard to deal with because I'm busy until about 5 which is about 8 your time. I don't think I fully appreciate how difficult it can be for my friends in California trying to talk to me sometimes.
I spoke to my parents today twice and it was great to talk and hear how well Yahzee is doing. They say she is a different dog, that all that stress has gone away, and that she's much calmer. She's not frantic like she was, and it seems that a lot of the nervous energy she had is basically gone now that she's a pet. They both said what a great dog she is and how they are lucky to have her! I knew they would love her very much and that she would be a great pet for them, but it's just so reasuring to hear how happy she is and how well she is settling into her new place in our family. I think just knowing these things helps me release some of the guilt and doubt I felt over retiring her, and really lets me focus on my complete and total bond with Jim. He is working out so well, and just as my parents are lucky to have the Yahz, I'm extremely lucky to have him as my boy! I am so excited to take him home so everyone can meet him! He is such a wonderful dog!
Alright, well, tomorrow is a relaxed day, and I plan to rest, do laundry, and bond with my dog.
I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! It's off to bed early for me tonight!


  1. It sounds like you had a nice relaxing day. Hope today is just as relaxing and that Jim continues to do well.

  2. feel as tho Andy and I are right there with you. Can't wait for Jim and ANdy to meet. xo
