Friday, June 4, 2010

Day three of guide work

So today was another good one here at GDB. We had a great rout in the morning and I enjoyed going to a local coffee shop called the Royal Ground. Jim did a great job getting me there and when I sat in the store and enjoyed a wonderful latte while I waited for my instructor to work with another student he lay under the table and was a good boy! He is so quiet in public and doesn't mind being positioned, etc. A very different story from Yahzee in this regard!
When we worked back from the coffee shop we encountered three pet dogs with a woman who had them on leashes, but did not have them under control. They tried to engage Jim, but he ignored them and attempted to work past them like they weren't even there! I was so proud of him! My instructor had to help me round them in the end, because they were really out of control, but even when she was helping me he heeled right past them! It was amazing.
After lunch, we went back downtown and practiced working in buildings. It went well, he did a great job of finding me all of the landmarks. The only problem we had was when he vered on a crossing, but once we reworked things, he did really well! I can't believe how seemlessly he is working for me and it's only been three days.
When we got back here we ate dinner, I had a ridiculous time with several classmates and we laughed until our stomachs hut and tears were running down our faces. This is such a great group of people and I am going to miss them when we all go home!
The rest of the evening was pretty low key. I played kong with Jim on the patio which he loved, read a book, and just enjoyed sitting out here, where I am now. After the week, I just felt like I wanted some down time to be with my dog, which, after all, is the reason I am here.
I am not sure what's going on tomorrow. We've gout routs in the morning, and I believe they're opening the pool in the afternoon, so I am looking forward to a good swim!
Sunday is somewhat of a day off, though we keep the same relieving schedule, so I have to be available every two hours. I'm hoping some friends from Cupertino will make it up here next Sunday, though I'm not sure, because it's quite a long drive from here to there. (Hi Guys! Please come see me! :) It is so awesome to talk to them with out worrying about the time difference and once training's done I need to come back to the Bay area. I just love it here, I love the people, the lifestyle, and my lungs love it, too. I can't remember a time when my asthma has been like this, I think I'd forgotten what it's like to truly take deep breaths until the last few days when I've been here. This climate really agrees with me, though I kind of already knew that.
Anyways, I digress, I am so glad that I have this dog, I think he is going to work out wonderfully. I'm noticing how bonded we are after such a short time together. This guy will truly go everywhere I go, because he is such a pleasure to have out in public. He is part of my package, and I really don't want to leave him much, unless I have no alternative. I will probably leave him alone sometimes for short stretches when I get home, just so that he can get used to it should the need arise, but I think he will be with me more than my previous two dogs were just because he is easier to handle and more receptive to commands.
I tried to skype with my parents tonight, but they couldn't figure out my iMac's crazy mouse (they're staying in my apartment for the weekend to do some things) but we talked on the phone which was great. I'm hoping we can skype more next week, because I know they enjoy it as much as I do. One day next week our nurse, Catherine, is going to bring in a puppy she's raising and we're going to get on skype so that my Mom can see her. It should be a lot of fun!
One final note: I apologize for the formatting errors, I'm putting things in paragraphs, but, apparently, on some entries the formatting isn't being retained! I'm not sure why this is, but I hope everyone is able to read these OK. I'll see if I can figure out a work around to make these posts retain formatting.
Alright, Jim and I are hitting the sack. 6:30 comes way to early for both of us on a Saturday!
I hope everyone's doing well, and thanks for reading!

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